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发布日期:2024-10-18   作者:    浏览次数:
时间 2024年10月22日 上午9:00 地点 邵逸夫科学馆401

时间:20241022 上午9:00



题目:Perceived Social Norms, Token Retention, and Cooperation in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

主讲人介绍:董思辰,香港大学创新与信息管理系博士生,本科毕业于阿尔伯塔大学,研究生毕业于加州大学圣地亚哥分校。她的研究方向主要包括金融科技、商业分析、区块链经济学和通证经济学。通过结合社交网络分析、基于代理的模拟(Agent-based Model)以及实证因果推断方法,她的研究重点关注基于区块链的分散式自治组织(DAO)中的合作问题和成员之间的利益冲突。特别是探讨了通证作为新型经济激励机制如何通过影响成员的合作与投机动机来影响去中心化组织的长期动态发展,同时研究了成员的经济动机与其他社会动机的交互影响。

讲座内容:Decentralized Autonomous Organizations leverage tokens as a financial innovation to align individual members’ financial interests with organizational goals. As the DAO thrives, the appreciating value of its tokens financially rewards members who retain tokens, thereby further motivating their cooperation towards organizational goals. However, disruptive events can shift DAO members’ perceived social norms and lead to premature token sell-offs that can invalidate the interest alignment mechanism. We develop a theoretical model that integrates perceived social norms with token-based interest alignment and examines empirical data from Steem, a blockchain-based social media platform. Our study uncovers a critical pathway in which DAO members’ token retention decisions mediate the influence of their perceived social norms on cooperative behaviors, and such mediation effects are especially significant among members who retain substantial staked tokens. Our study thus highlights the mutually reinforcing relationship between token retention and the sustainable growth of DAOs. This relationship exemplifies how financial innovations such as tokens can drive long-term cooperation, shaping blockchain-enabled organizational forms and governance models. Moreover, our findings also contribute to the understanding of the nuanced impacts of perceived social norms in governing financial expectations and decisions within DAOs. We offer practical insights for designing effective governance strategies, emphasizing long-term token retention and the integration of social norms to support the sustainable development of DAOs.